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  • Hayden Kaer

6 Reasons To Join The GameDay Squad Discord

The GameDay Squad Discord

The GameDay Squad Discord is where you'll find a dedicated and welcoming community of fantasy sports lovers! People of all fantasy and GameDay Squad experience are welcome and encouraged to get involved with active trade negotiations, sharing of pack openings, competitions to win prizes, suggestions for the platform and much more! Come and join the fun on the Discord using this link.

Trade Table

The GameDay Squad Discord has a dedicated #TradeTable channel for both Aussie Rules and Rugby League Player Cards. In this channel you can identify Player Cards that you're hunting and which Player Cards you're willing to part with, search for a coach that's got a Player Card listed on the Transfer Market that you want to negotiate with, or consult with the community about a trade proposal you're pondering.

Discord Competition

Every week coaches can win a free 3 Player Common Pack for both Aussie Rules and Rugby League just by guessing who will score the most GameDay Squad fantasy points for that round in the #DiscordComps channel. If you're able to correctly guess the exact points that the highest points scorer gets (with a one point buffer on either side of your selection accepted), you'll also score yourself 2 x 1 Player Unique Packs as a bonus! Keep an eye out for special rounds throughout the season where there are different rules or more packs on offer.


Get the latest updates from GameDay Squad including announcements of new features, changes to the platform, prizes, platform downtime and known bugs impacting the platform. Coaches on the GameDay Squad Discord will also be first to hear about upcoming features and get a sneak peak into what's coming in the future.

Chat With The GameDay Squad Team

In the GameDay Squad Discord you're able to chat directly with members of the GameDay Squad team. Ask us anything in the #AskUsAnything channel or chat with us privately by either submitting a ticket in the #LiveSupport channel or simply by sending us a DM. Don't be afraid to reach out, even if it's just for a chat!

Help shape the future of GameDay Squad

Got a great idea that you think would GameDay Squad better? Let us know! GameDay Squad have a dedicated #Suggestions channel on the Discord. The GameDay Squad team reviews all suggestions made in this channel and considerations from the community are used to guide the development of the GameDay Squad platform. The GameDay Squad team is committed to continuously improving it over time and we respect the input from our community about what they think makes a fantasy sports platform great.

Pack Openings

The best part of GameDay Squad is ripping open a pack and sharing it with others! Gloat about your pack luck or share your stinkers with the community in the #PackOpenings channel. Make sure to tune in to the GameDay Squad Footy Shows to find out the criteria for Pack-Of-The-Week and you could score yourself some more free packs to share on screen. Videos of pack openings (Especially Legends!) are highly encouraged.



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